

Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow and promote healing. By inserting needles into specific points on the body, acupuncture can help restore the balance of Qi and alleviate symptoms such as pain, nausea, anxiety, and fatigue. 


Cupping is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that involves placing special cups on the skin to create a suction effect. The suction created by the cups draws the skin and underlying tissue upward, which can help improve blood flow and reduce muscle tension. Cupping is often used to relieve pain and inflammation, promote relaxation, and boost the immune system. 

Gua Sha

Gua Sha is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves scraping the skin with a special tool to promote healing and relieve pain. The tool used for Gua Sha is typically made of jade, horn, or other materials and is applied to the skin using a lubricant such as oil or lotion. The practitioner applies pressure and strokes the skin with the tool in a specific pattern to stimulate circulation and reduce inflammation. Gua Sha is often used to treat muscle pain, headaches, and respiratory problems.